Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thanksgiving Day At The Ocean

So thanksgiving day we both decided to actually check out the Atlantic Ocean, seeing as how we've lived here for just over a month and have only looked at it from afar. We both ended up getting drenched by the waves and walked home in our freezing cold clothes. But it was definitly a fun time.

We found a trail not far from our house that walks down the cliffs and then to a nice beach (Torbay Beach). The trails actually quite nice also, lots of grass and birds. I guess the trail goes all the way around the bay but after we both high-fived the ocean we were pretty over doing that kind of a hike.

Keenan did lots of filming, though if you guys will ever see it no one will ever know. Actually we don't have a editing program anymore, so we have all the footage still from trip. We just can't do anything with it at the moment. But once we do, there will be many epic movies on this site. So don't give up hope on us yet!

I like this picture a lot. It's weird because I'm looking at the Atlantic Ocean from North America this time, not Europe and Africa. It feels like your on the edge of the world though. And it never fully sets in that we live on a giant island. I don't know why more people havn't ever come here. It's incredible!

And heres the moment just seconds before Keenan gets completely soaked by the oncoming wave. But don't worry, as you can see we caught that moment on tape. You wouldn't believe how cold it actually is. We also found a dead pellican among other shells and fish bones.

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